Bass Plastic Surgery is committed to meeting the unique requirements of each patient seeking liposuction. Choosing a liposuction procedure can diminish the visibility of surplus fat across the body and enhance the tightness of sagging skin, resulting in a firm, naturally contoured appearance. Dr. Bass seamlessly combines cutting-edge liposuction techniques with extensive dermatological expertise to deliver flawless, radiant outcomes for all patients.
Liposuction occurs in one of Bass Plastic Surgery’s fully accredited surgical facilities. Small liposuctions can often be performed using only tumescent (local) anesthesia. For multiple areas or larger treatments, using the latest in anesthesia, you will be comfortable throughout the procedure. First, Dr. Bass and the patient carefully map the areas to be treated standing up in the exam room to ensure accurate focus on target, problem areas.
Next, dilute local anesthesia is instilled into the area which provides anesthesia, minimizes blood loss and loosens fatty tissue to be removed. This is known as the tumescent technique which has been the mainstay of liposuction for the last 30 years. During liposuction, fat is removed with multiple passes of the liposuction cannula to sculpt the body area into a more aesthetically pleasing contour.
Fatty tissue from liposuction can be processed in the operating room during the procedure and used to resculpt another part of the body, such as breast shaping and augmentation, Brazilian butt lift, and abdomen (six pack), chest and shoulder shaping for men. Often other contouring procedures are performed in conjunction with liposuction when appropriate; some of these include abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, body lift, and thigh lift.